Trip Cost Report

The Cost Report shows the cost of your entire trip by location.  A specific activity can be selected to view the locations where the activity has been assigned.  The report will also display the total cost of each activity as well as a breakdown of the 'Average Cost per Usage-Day' and the 'Average Cost per Trip-Day'.

To see an example of what a trip may cost and ideas on how to reduce the cost of your trip, see our Trip Cost Estimator page.

All Activities Display

The left side of the screen displays the cost of each activity, the total cost of all activities for each location and the overall trip cost.

The right side of the screen displays a grouping summation of the cost of each activity in the trip, sorted from high to low and then separated so that activities having a zero cost are listed at the bottom alphabetically.

The display makes it easy to see how much each activity will cost and the total cost for each location.

Specific Activity Display

Selecting a specific activity will limit the display to only those activities.  In this example, we have selected the 'Train' activity.

The left side of the screen displays only the cost of the selected activity and a summation of those activities at each location.

The right side of the screen displays a grouping summation of the cost of each activity in the trip, sorted from high to low and then separated so that selected activities having a zero cost are listed at the bottom alphabetically.  In this example, the 'Train' activity has been selected, indicated by the highlight color.

The display makes it easy to see how much a specific activity will cost for each location.