
You may not have thought about doing a load of laundry on your trip, but it may be something to consider.

No, we are not talking about the kind of laundry shown in the photo.  This was taken in the common backyard area of our building where we lived in Windsor.  We were playing around trying to show our friends and family just how difficult life was not have the large sized washers and dryers we were accustomed to back in the States.  Most small flats come with a small washer/steam-dryer combination capable of handling about 2 pairs of jeans taking up to two hours to complete one full cycle.  When it was not raining, hanging clothes outside was much more convenient.

Laundry in Windsor, England

Okay, back to the point of laundry while you are traveling.

Although your trip may be go-go-go, you will probably have some downtime at time point where you simply want to relax in your room, catching up on your notes and perhaps organizing your photos.  This may be in the evening when you have returned from your busy day of playing tourist.  At this point, it may be easy to do a load of laundry at the hotel or even a local laundry mat if not far away.  Many larger hotels may have common washers and dryers available to guests for a nominal fee while others may provide laundry service for an additional fee.

Doing laundry will help eliminate the need to bring excess clothing on extended trips.