When you are traveling,
the more organized you are, the better. To
help you get organized, zip-lock storage bags
are the way to go.
Depending on your pack,
you may have smaller compartments on the sides,
front and top where you can easily store smaller
items. Even when storing items in these
compartments, place them in zipper bags to help
keep them organized. If you have
printed backup travel documents, they should
also be placed in zipper bags to protect them.
Zipper bags are not just
for storing your liquid containers when passing
through airport security screenings.
Bags can be used to organize
small items such as electrical plugs,
locks, non-liquid toiletries, currency and even your
travel documents.
The great thing about
zipper bags is that they are inexpensive.
You can search the web and find clear plastic
bags designed specifically for travel but they
will cost you - we advise against it.
There is no need to purchase bags designed
specifically for travel when you can purchase as
many food storage bags as you need in about any
size you need, for just a few dollars.
Bags you don't use for travel can be used around
the house for any number of things, so you won't
be wasting any.
Small Zipper Bags
If you know you will
be dealing with one or more different
currencies, bring some small zipper bags
along with you to keep the currencies
organized and separate. Write a note and
place it in each bag listing the current
exchange rate with examples compared to your
local currency as shown above. (Foreign
Currency /
Coin Purses)
Quart Sized Zipper
A quart sized bag is
just about the perfect size to organize and
contain most of your smaller travel items.
A Bag for Receipts
As you travel, you
will more than likely accumulate receipts
for items you have purchased using your
charge card. You will also receive
receipts as you checkout of your
accommodations. Having a spare zipper
bag provides a convenient place to organize
all your receipts.
Gallon Sized Zipper
Gallon sized zipper bags
can be used to protect documents.
Unfortunately a standard piece of paper
does not completely fit in a standard gallon
bag so you must either slightly trim the long end of
the paper if you want it to lay flat, or
simply fold it in half before you insert it
into the bag.
In our early years of
travel, we were on a trip to Italy where we
had arrived by train in Milan. From
the train station we had to walk to our
hotel which was a few blocks away. I
had printed a map to the hotel from the
train station on our inkjet printer.
Unfortunately it was raining when we arrived
and windy enough that we were unable to use our
umbrellas. At the time, I was not using zip-lock
bags as I was holding my printed map in
my hands as I following along to the hotel.
With the wind and rain, the paper was
getting wet. Inkjet printer ink and water do not mix.
The ink was beginning to run and it was
becoming increasingly hard to read the
directions to the hotel. We were
fortunate and found our hotel but the map
was practically illegible by the time we
arrived. If we had
enclosed our printed directions in a zip-lock bag, the wind
and rain would not have been an issue.
In our packing
example on our
How to Pack
page, you can see that we have used two small zipper
bags or help organize the items in our
backpack. One bag contains toiletries
while the other contains electrical plugs.
We could have also used a bag for our
lock with cable, pen and notebook.
Use a 1 quart clear plastic zip-lock
bag when going through airport security to store
your liquids. One bag is
allowed per passenger to be placed in a
screening bin.