Mobile Trip Profile - Activity Photo Upload

When an activity has been expanded to display the booking details, selecting the icon allows you to upload photos to the related activity.  (On the Trip Control page, the option to display Photos must be enabled for the Mobile Trip Profile upload photo icon to display)  Selecting the icon will display the photo upload page where you can select a photo from your gallery or use your mobile photo to take a new photo to be uploaded.  Once a photo has been uploaded to an activity, you will redirected back to the related activity where the photo will display.  Mobile uploaded photos can be made available to Trip Tracking Members depending on the Trip Control settings.

Photo Upload Steps

Select 'Browse...' just as you would when uploading a photo to a website.  Once a file is selected, select 'Upload' to complete the process or 'Cancel/Return' to return to the activity.  The photo selection process may be slightly different depending on your phone, but it should work something like this.  You should be give the option to select a photo from your photo gallery on your phone, or select the camera to take a new photo to be uploaded.

When photos are uploaded to trip activities using your mobile device, they will be flagged as a timeline photo.  Select the icon at the trip level to display the Activity Photo Timeline.  Photos uploaded to activities through the website are not included in the Timeline.

Mobile Activity Photo Upload is a Premium Service and must be purchased and applied to a trip before you are able to upload photos with the Mobile Trip Profile.

Expanded Location/Activity Activity Photo Upload
Expanded activity for a location showing the Booking Details and the photo upload icon. Standard photo upload screen where you may browse to an existing photo or take a new photo using your Smartphone to be uploaded to the activity.