Mobile Trip Profile - Mobile Functions at a Glance

This page shows some of the Mobile Trip Profile functionality available when accessing your trip using your mobile device.

Main Trip Display
After logging in to your account, the main trip display will show all your trips and the trips of other members you are tracking.
Link to the eTripCafe Website

Research & booking quick links

Location Search

Admin area

Mobile icon definitions
Mobile trip view (Current date)

Trip mood

Trip owner

Tracked trip

Mobile trip view (All dates)
Selected Trip
Once a trip has been selected, the trip locations and activities will display allowing you to view trip information in detail.
Mobile trip compressed view

Mobile trip expanded view

Return to main trip display

Device date/time sync

Mobile trip view (All dates)

Mobile trip view (Current date)
Trip level travel planner

Trip mood & comments

Update trip comments

Trip stats

Activity photo timeline

Offline maps

Public trip profile view

Trip level or location notes

Trip level or location checklist

All activities booked at location

All activities not booked at location

Expand location, (#) -Number of activities at location

Compress location, (#) -Number of activities at location

Location Level: Jump to top of page / Activity Level: Jump to location
Expanded Location
Once a trip has been selected, the trip locations will display.  Each location can be expanded to view additional information and associated activities.
All activities booked at location

All activities not booked at location

Expand location, (#)-Number of activities at location

Compress location, (#)-Number of activities at location

Location Level: Jump to top of page / Activity Level: Jump to location

On the expanded trip view, takes you to the next location or activity in the trip
Location level travel planner

Location level notes

Location level checklist

Location news

Navigate to location

Location offline map downloaded indicator

Location offline map not downloaded indicator

Location attraction search

Location photos

Manage Activity Group Display Settings
Expanded Activity
Expanding an activity will display the booking information and additional icons.
Activity has been booked

Activity has not been booked

--- Aactivity does not require booking

Expand activity

Compress activity

Location Level: Jump to top of page / Activity Level: Jump to location

On the expanded trip view, takes you to the next location or activity in the trip
Activity level notes

Activity level checklist

Activity website

Navigation to activity

Additional website


Display uploaded activity photos, (#)-Count of uploaded photos

Upload an activity photo
Travel Planner
Helping you stay organized and on track, the Travel Planner displays the estimated time you plan to spend at each location as well as the estimated travel time between locations.
Navigate to location

Location photos

Location news

Location mobile trip view
Move to top of page


Route between locations