Trip Profiles Overview

Trip Profiles provide an overview of all your trip locations, activities, bookings and other information in a single location.

There are three different types of Trips Profiles.

  • Trip Summary (Private)
  • Public Trip Profile (Public)
  • Mobile Trip Profile (Public)

Each profile has it's own independent settings allowing you to configure the information that will be displayed.  Configure the information on either the My Trips and Trip Summary pages.

All trips are initially created private and my only be viewed by the trip owner when logged in.  Trip Profiles may be set for public viewing and may also be password protected to prevent anyone from viewing a profile unless a valid password has been entered.

For members to view a Mobile Trip Profile, they must use their Smartphone to access the Mobile Site and login using their account id and password.

Trip Summary (Private) Public Trip Profile (Public) Mobile Trip Profile (Public)

The Trip Summary is private and may only be displayed when logged in to your account.

On your My Trips and Trip Summary pages, configure the trip information you want displayed.

Itinerary Backup Copy

Although you will be able to access your entire trip itinerary using the Mobile Trip Profile while on your trip, it's always a good idea to bring a backup hard-copy of your trip itinerary along with you on your travels.

Prior to your departure, from your My Trips or Trip Summary pages, select Print Preview to print a hard copy to take with you.

Photos added to trip activities will by default display as a smaller thumbnail size.  If you have uploaded map images, select the option 'Print Preview - Large Format' on the 'Activities Photos' page and the photos to display in a large format when viewing and printing the Print Preview page.
The Public Trip Profile may be viewed without having to be logged in to your account.  This allows you to share the profile link with friends and family.

To share your trip with others, simply email the web address of your Public Trip Profile to your friends and family.  On your My Trips page, select the email icon to send the webpage link.  There is no need to login to display the profile.

Configure the information that will display when you share the profile with others.  For added security, on your My Trips page you may enable/disable access to the public view at any time as well as set an optional password that must be entered for the profile to display.

If you are logged in to your account and display a public profile, you will be able to 'Add' the profile to your Trip Tracker giving you single click access to the display.

If you are sharing your public trip profile link with others, you can select to hide specific information such as travel dates and price from the public view.  You may also want to password protect the profile while you are away on your trip.

Click to see more details on the Public Trip Profile.


Access all your trip information on your Smartphone.  The Mobile Trip Profile has been designed for your mobile device.  This is not a Smartphone app, but rather a webpage designed to display all your trip information in an app style allowing you to quickly and easily navigate through all your trip locations, activities and other trip information.  The page is interactive allowing you to expand areas of information such as your locations and activities.  Depending on the information you have entered, clickable icons will display allowing you to access photos, external websites and GPS Navigation.

To access the Mobile Trip Profile, use your Smartphone to access the site and login using your account id and password.

Once logged in, your personal trips will display as well as other 'Mobile Trip Profiles' you may be tracking.  The trip owner must add other members to their trip for it display for others in their mobile view.

Once your Mobile Trip Profile page has been loaded on your mobile device, all your trip information will remain in memory and it is not necessary to refresh the page or have an internet connection to navigate through the trip information.  Links to external websites such as Google Maps for GPS Navigation still require network access.

Click to see more details on the Mobile Trip Profile.

For added security, on your My Trips page you may enable/disable access to the mobile view at any time as well as set an optional password that must be entered to display the profile.