The Trip Tracker allows you to bookmark others
trips that have been made public and
shared with you. Once you have
bookmarked a trip, you will have single
click access to view the trip's Public Trip Profile.
The trip owner
still maintains full control of the trip
and is able to update the trip details at any time.
The owner may change the information
that is displayed as well as add or
change the profile password. If a
password is added or changed, you must
enter the current password for the
trip to display.
If the owner disables public access, the
trip will no longer display.
Adding trips to
your Tracker
There are two
ways you may add a trip to your personal tracker.
Option 1
your Trip Tracker page, if you
know a trip's Trip Key, you may enter
it to add the trip to your tracker.
If the trip has been password protected,
you must also enter password to bookmark
the trip.
Option 2
You may also add a trip
to your tracker when you are logged in
to your account and viewing a trip's Public Profile Page.
On the Public Profile Page,
you will have the option to select
'Save' and add the trip to your Tracker.
When you add a trip, the Added to
Tracker by will show 'Yourself'.
Adding a personal
trip to another member's Tracker
You may add
your own trips to another member's
Tracker on your
Trip Sharing
page. To be able to
add a trip to another member's Trip
Tracker, they must have enabled the option
Allow Trip Tracker Add on
their 'My Account' page.
The Added to
Tracker by will show the
member's account id who added the trip
to the tracker.
Hiding tracked trips in the mobile display
Just as you are able to select your own personal trip and on the Trip Details page, select to hide the trip in your mobile view, you may also set each tracked trip to display or be hidden in the list.
Trip Comments
If the trip
owner has granted you the ability to
comment on their trip from their
Trip Sharing
page, you will be able to enter
comments from your Trip
Tracker. The
will display for the trip owner
letting them know they have new
messages. Once the messages
have been viewed, the indicator will