Self Travel vs. Travel Agencies Self Travel vs. Guided Travel

Our focus is on the Self-Travel.  We avoid tour groups whenever possible, teach travel skills and guide independent travelers through planning and booking a personalized trip.

It's important to note that we are talking from experience.  We have booked numerous trips, from single point destinations to complex multi-country destinations involving various modes of transportation and different types of accommodations and have never felt the need to use a full service travel agent, ever!  Even side-trip excursions can be booked on-line without having to involve a travel agent.

What is a Travel Agency?

For the purpose of this page, we need to define what we mean by Travel Agency.

We are referring to full-service agencies.  These are the agencies you visit in person or talk with on the phone, assisting you with all your travel needs including information, pre-packaged vacations and bookings.  They may charge a fee or they may be free, making a commission on the sale.  After your trip has been booked, there is not much more to do than show up and follow along with the planned itinerary.

Self-travel is not for everyone and there are absolutely situations when using a Travel Agent may be the best alternative.  If you are not into planning, want everything done for you and are happy with pre-packaged itineraries, then by all means visit your local agency and select a pre-packaged trip.  We highly recommend you visit our Self Travel vs. Guided Travel page for additional information.

To be clear, we are not referring to on-line agencies such as Orbitz, Expedia and others offering travel deals and pre-defined travel packages bundled together.  Sometimes these sites may have the current best deals when it comes to booking a city and hotel package.  Sites like is an online agency allowing you to book hotels and we use it often.

Travel Agency Myths

Myth 1      Myth 2      Myth 3

Only a travel agent can get you the best deals


Travel agents know more than you


Planning a trip is complex requiring  the assistance of a travel agent


Online travel agents may offer great package deals and we have purchased flight/hotel packages for several trips from online agencies such as Expedia and Orbitz.

It's not guaranteed that you will always get a better deal when using a travel agent.  The best deals can often be found directly at the source.  Some airlines may offer special discounted rates only available on their websites that agencies are unable to book.

  There is not a travel agent that can possibly know every detail about every destination and activity you may be interested in.

With today's internet, you can perform your own research to learn all you need to know about anything you are interested in and become just as informed or more informed than any travel agent.  In fact, you will more than likely discover things that no travel agent has ever heard of.

  Consider a single destination trip to Paris where you plan to explore the city.  You need to book your round-trip flights, a hotel for your stay, research how to get from the airport to your hotel, how to navigate the metro system (subway) and discover the sites you plan to visit.  There are numerous websites listing the top Paris attractions so do you really need an agent for that?

See our Trip Builder Overview for Planning & Booking allowing you to easily plan and organize a single destination trip as well as complex trips involving multiple destinations and activities.

Benefits of using a Travel Agent

There are obvious benefits of using a travel agent.

Booking a vacation package using an agent may provide insurance should something happen such as medical emergencies, adverse weather conditions such as hurricanes, rail strikes disrupting your trip or any other situation.

Be sure to enquire about insurance and compensation should something happen resulting in a trip disruption or cancellation.

See our page on Travel Insurance

Should something happen while you are on your trip, your agent may be able to assist you with alternative plans.  If you are self traveling you are probably going to be on your own to work out alternative plans.

Don't let this hinder your decision to self-travel.  After years of travel and many self-planned trips, we have never experienced any issue that has been anything more than minor such as booking a room for the wrong night or missing a train.  In both cases, we simply found a different room at another hotel and took a different train.

Trip Planning

We saw an article posted on another website listing points on why no one should book a trip without a travel agent.  Some travel professional posted the following comment:

"Why would a person spend hours doing research on a vacation when with a phone call get just what they ask for and many times at a lower cost."

Part of the fun in planning your own custom vacation is discovering places to go and things to do.  Don't miss out on this important piece of the process.

Yes, depending on your trip, it can take time to plan and research the best deals but it's all part of the fun and exciting when you stumble across a deal you cannot pass up.  Buy taking the time to plan and book on your own, you will be able to create your own custom itinerary allowing you to do whatever you want on your own time and schedule, often providing opportunities not available on pre-packaged trips.  You will not be restricted to time and schedules of a pre-packaged vacation.