Trip Nights/Dates

After you enter your locations, you need to adjust the arrival dates and nights at each location.

Here we are visiting several locations and while staying in Florence, we plan to leave on a Day Trip to visit Pisa and Lucca during the middle of our stay.

Additional topics referenced on this page
Day & Side Trips as Locations
Location Groups
Making sure your arrival/departure dates and the nights at each location are correct is one of the most important pieces of creating your trip.  Check and double check that all the dates are correct before making any bookings.  Don't forget day changes such as departing from the US in the evening and arriving in Europe the next day.  You may also have the case when departing Europe for the US that you actually arrive on the same day.
You can adjust the trip departure date at any time.  Adjusting the date will automatically recalculate all the dates for each location on the trip.  This lets you plan our entire trip, even if you have no idea when you will actually depart.  It also lets you know how many days/nights you will need to accomplish everything and when you will be returning.  You can build your entire trip without making a single booking.  Once you decide on a date, simply change the departure date and start making your reservations.  After each reservation has been made, simply update the related activity details.

1) We are departing Milan on a late evening train, arriving the next day in Florence.
2) We are staying in Florence for 3 nights.
3) In the middle of our stay in Florence, we are taking a Day Trip to Pisa and Lucca, so we have adjusted the date back by 2 days.  This sets Pisa and Lucca to be on the correct days.
4) We will be departing Florence for Orvieto, so have adjusted our arrival in Orvieto by 2 days.  Our trip now shows departing Florence and arriving Orvieto on the same day. 
5) Now, we only need to adjust the number of nights at each location from Orvieto on and the program will recalculate the dates.
6) We created two Location Groups for this trip.
7) The first group is a Day Trip called 'Pisa' and is assigned to Pisa and Lucca as shown by the orange highlight color and the Day Trip icon
8) The second group is called 'Germany' and is assigned to Frankfurt and Munich as shown by the green highlight color.